17 de setembro de 2007


Não sei se acho isso bom ou ruim, mas certamente é algo que FHC não conseguiu em seus 8 anos de mandato: uma recomendação do Banco Mundial para o Bolsa Família.

Duvida? Regardez ça:

Can social policies go beyond assistance and become active tools of social and economic transformation? Brazil is showing us that they can. The Bolsa Família Program, which has technical and financial support from the World Bank, is cited as one of the key factors behind the positive social outcomes achieved by Brazil in recent years.

The Program is an innovative social initiative taken by the Brazilian Government. It reaches 11 million families, more than 46 million people, a major portion of the country’s low-income population. The model emerged in Brazil more than a decade ago and has been refined since then.

Aqui, com estudo detalhado do Banco aqui.

* * *

Tomou, papudo?

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